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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, Ireland was amazing, and unforgetable. We enjoyed every place we went to the fullest and I still made healthy food choices, but tried everything and didn't feel guilty. Still tyring to get back into the swing of things, but here are a "few" of my pictures, and I am happy to say that I really did feel happy to have my picture taken the whole time! I ended up gaining 4 lbs over the two weeks, but it was really pretty artificial. I have since (in the last week) lost 3 of them, maybe more (haven't weighed in for a couple of days). I blame eating out and sodium. Just trying to lose a few more and try to tone!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

MFP Post, My Success Story

Well, part of what keeps me going is browsing the Message Boards on MFP, and I love seeing the before and after pictures. So I knew from early on that I would post my own pictures when it came time, so here it is:

Well, I am happy to say it is time for me to post a success story, so here it goes.

My name is Autumn, and I am a 31 year old housewife and mother of a 5 year old and a 3 year old. I have been happily married for 7 ½ years to my perfect match but have been unhappy with my weight for more than 80% of my adult life. Between August 2010 and February 2011, I believe I was close to the heaviest I have been (save being pregnant). I was about 180-185lbs, but I was too afraid of the scale to weigh myself. They say ignorance is bliss, but the denial was a huge part of the problem. Something had to change. The first pic is me in September 2010 for a family picture, I was so disappointed in how fat I looked that I actually scheduled a re-shoot and then wore a corset to minimize myself in on the re-dos. They still weren’t pretty. The second is me at my friend’s wedding in October. I was again wearing a corset/girdle to hold myself into the dress.


So for the last 8 ½ weeks I have been on a mission to create the very best me. I had a trip coming up and didn’t want to be camera shy because of how heavy I look in pictures. So I set a goal of losing 10 lbs in 2 months. I created a blog ( and posted a link on Facebook, listing my starting weight of 177.9lbs. I knew that once it was out there, on the pages of all 283 of my FB friends (frenemies and ex boyfriends included), I would really be accountable. I also started a Biggest Loser Competition with some close mommy friends to give myself additional motivation. One of my friends suggested and I immediately signed up. I dutifully logged everything that passed my lips including vitamins, breath mints and even the occasional splurge! I lost 4 lbs the first week and knew that I was addicted. I have since urged everyone I know to sign up, and I personally claim responsibility for at least 7 new members who have in turn lost a ton of weight and told their friends!

So here I am. 18 lbs lighter at 159 lbs and 5’9. I have lost 10.17% of my body weight and finished 2nd in my Biggest Loser Competition. I have lost a total of 5 inches from my waist and hips, and fit comfortably in a size 10 jean. I feel healthier and stronger than I ever have, and look forward to my daily exercise which I had dreaded in the beginning. I feel absolutely in control of my weight and my life. The first shot is a couple of weeks ago at the end of March, the following is me today.


The biggest surprise was how easy it was. I have been overweight most of my adult life and despite saying that I had to lose weight, felt completely powerless. This site gave me the tools to educate myself on nutrition, provided motivation with every before and after pic, and basically gave me the power to make the right choices. I started out not really understanding the science behind it, and ended up eating way less net calories than was healthy. After scouring the message boards and learning what I could, I chose to keep my net calories between 1200 and 1500, and am still consistently losing at least a pound a week, not to mention several inches. I never deprived myself, and can’t remember feeling hungry. If I wanted a cocktail or a Cadbury Crème Egg (my favorite seasonal treat) I just rationed out my calories. I have never gone over my net calories, but if I do, I will know that I am allowed a splurge and that it is no excuse to spiral out of control again. I know myself, and if I were to deprive myself of anything I would not stick with this.

So I am heading to Ireland this week for the big vacation that prompted my weight loss. I will keep my phone with me and continue to log my foods, but not deprive myself at all. I have learned portion sizes which have helped tremendously with the stomach aches I used to have every day after dinner, running to the bathroom. I am lucky that my husband never thought I needed to lose weight, but he is lucky that I have gained confidence with every pound that I have lost. My kids have learned a lot in these past two months about nutrition and exercise, and I sincerely hope that they way that I live and the example I set in this “after stage” will be an efficient tool for them to use in their lives so they won’t struggle with their weight as I had.

So I am not “done” but almost. I lost the 10 lbs I had set out to lose only 4 weeks into my journey, and then continued to lose another 8 lbs the next 4 ½ weeks. Now that I have the tools, I will continue to live this new healthy lifestyle, possibly down to a toned 155 lbs. Then I plan to go into maintenance mode. This is my new life and I love every minute of it. I love the way my clothes fit, I never shy from the camera, and I have gained so much confidence.  I hope my story will help as many of you as fellow MFPers have helped to motivate me. Thank you.

Thursday 4-7, Snowing in April, welcome to Northern Nevada!

My paper beads: Oriental Trading
Catalog and Blue Sparkle Nail Polish

Last night was super fun. Had breakfast sandwiches for dinner, and “J” came home around 6:30 and reheated a pizza. Then he watched the kids while I hosted MNI Craft Night. We had 8 moms show up and my friend “E” taught us to make paper beads with magazines, toothpicks and nail polish, they turned out beautiful! We had so much fun chatting and snacking we kept it all going until the last guest left at 12:00am! I was a little tired today, but it was totally worth it.

Today I decided to give myself another try, and despite my TOM, I hopped on the Wii to see where I was. To my complete surprise, I had lost 3.3 lbs since Tuesday. I had a feeling that I was retaining water, and now here is proof. So my timing was bad for the Biggest Loser Competition, but the great news is that I reached my second goal and am under 160 lbs! I have lost 18 lbs. in the last 8 ½ weeks! So happy, but decided to continue to go and I reset my goal to go down to 155, which is only 4.8 lbs away. I am still feeling really good, honestly much better than I did on Tuesday. Not that I was sad to lose BL, but because I was disappointed to be heading the wrong direction! BTW, I have to say I am so proud of our BL group, we are all losers!

So the Rugrats were supposed to have a park day today, but as the day has turned out snowy, we moved the event to the mall to walk and let the kids play. So we did a quick 1 ½ laps, let the kids play, then we headed to the food court. After lunch we let the kids visit the Easter Bunny. “P” and “V” were thrilled and hugged the bunny like crazy. I heard both kids tell the EB that he was the best bunny in the whole wide world. Super-cute. Then we did another lap to McDonald’s where the kids and I got a cone, yum!

Funny honorable mention today: When “P” spun the wheel at the mall earlier, she got the goody bag and chose a paper pad. She and the kids started coloring and she came up to me with this picture ------------------->
 She explained it was the treasure map to the Easter Bunny. She then traced the way to the Bunny and then told me that the thing that I had assumed was a sign, was actually the shovel. You know, so she could dig up the bunny. It was a buried treasure map! Just thought that sounded really morbid and funny.  

Anyway, I bid farewell to the friends I wouldn’t be seeing until after Ireland, and then we headed home in a blizzard. Then at half way home, it was cloudy, but certainly not as extreme as the south of town! Now we are home, the kids fell asleep in the car so I transferred them to bed and I am going to relax this afternoon, then pick up where I left off packing. Trying to empty the fridge so we may go out to dinner, we will see!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday 4-6, Shopping and getting it done!

Last night was great. “J” ended up working super late, so the kids and I fended for ourselves, “P” had a PB&H Pita, “V” had a Ham and Cheese Sandwich, and I had Whole Wheat Penne with garden Veggie Ragu. Then my brother Uncle “T” came over to babysit at 6pm, he had leftover burritos. He and I ended up hanging out with the kids until bedtime, and then we both watched Netflix until “J” finally came home from work at 8:15pm, so Uncle “T” babysat and we met some friends for a drink. It was really nice to just hang out. A night well spent, and Uncle “T” loved hanging out and watching TV.

Eagle Creek Pack-It folder.
Makes family travel much easier!  
So today was our busy day. “V” and I dropped “P” off at preschool then hit the Thrift stores. We met up with my good friend “F” and her kids at the second thrift store, fun to browse with a friend. Found a few good finds, including a super cute hunter green shirt from Ann Taylor for $5. A little steep for a thrift store find, but maybe my favorite shirt I have tried on in a while! Yay! Then we left to pick-up “P” and ate our sack lunch in the car on the way to St. Vincent’s thrift store. The great find there was an Eagle Creek Pack Pack-It Folder. I have two for “P” and I, and was looking for one for “V.” So I found it in the bottom of this box full of lunch bags. I guess they didn’t know what it was, they charged me 50 cents, and it was new with tags,  Score!

Now I am home packing, laundering my thrift store finds and blogging while the kids watch Aladdin. I am hoping to get some more done in the way of packing, but getting easily distracted on the internet. The upside to that is that I just downloaded Adele’s Rolling in the Deep, which I love. So now I have packing music right? “J” is in Vegas for work, so I am planning to eat leftovers, he won’t be home until after 6. Then he will watch the kids while installing the trellis and I am having Moms Night In Craft Night at 7pm. Looking forward to hanging with my favorite mommies and hanging out before we leave for the big trip!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, 4-5, Final Weigh-In for Biggest Loser

Yesterday ended up pretty good. Ate a good dinner, and went to Ross to buy a new dress for our trip. I ended up finding some great clearance dresses, one for $10 and another for $5.50. Super cute, and both size 10s! Then I came home and packed like crazy. I collected the toys we have bought for the trip and gift wrapped them to make it more exciting and started trying to fit all of our stuff into suitcases. So far it is looking pretty good, but we will see.

I am sore from my Calisthenics yesterday, my thighs and abs feel like they really got a workout. So that is good. Slept like a rock last night.

Now onto the Final Weigh-In.

Well, I didn’t go out with a bang as I had hoped to. Today was the final weigh-in for our Biggest Loser competition and I ended up gaining .4lbs, which isn’t even half a pound, but still disappointing. I had a feeling this might happen, my TOM started today so it could very well be water retention. So I admit defeat in the competition, but certainly do not feel defeated. I have lost a total of 9.07% of my body weight, and am fitting into a size 10, much too small for a size 12. Honestly, I fulfilled my first goal of 10 lbs in only 4 weeks, then went on to lose another 5 lbs! In addition, for the last 4 weeks I have been keeping measurements of my neck, waist and hips, and I have lost .25” from my neck, 2” from my waist and 2.5” from my hips, a total of 5”! So my progress is still showing, if not on the scale. I feel healthier and thinner than I have been in a very long time; so really, I have succeeded!  I have more energy and stamina, and am actually helpful in many of our projects around the house. And for every pound I have dropped, I have picked up some confidence, feeling pretty good 15 lbs lighter! I have to say, mission accomplished!

Congrats to my fellow losers, all of the results are not in yet, but I can say that I have officially lost the equivalent of 10 dozen eggs, can’t believe I used to carry all of that weight around!

Today we did some more packing then headed to Pump It Up to meet up with “F” and “T.” We let the kids play and reflected on the last 8 weeks of Biggest Loser. We are all feeling so much better now, and looking better to if I do say so! We are officially Skinny Mamas!

Now we are home and I am looking forward to an evening out. We were planning to meet up with “J”s friends from work, but we just have too much to do. So since the sitter is booked, we are going to finish the stuff around the house when “J” gets home, have a late dinner and meet up with friends, should be nice! Even though the BL competition is over, I am still going to be watching my calories, it feels good to be healthy and eat right. Hope we can find a figure friendly restaurant!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday 4-4, Preparing for the final weigh-in tomorrow!

So last night was good. We watched The Secret of Kells with the kids. Probably would have been awesome for eight-year olds, but a little over my kids’ heads. “J” and I loved it. Awesome animation, great story, well done. So after the kids went down our neighbor came over to tell us about his trips to Ireland, offering some advice. It was great to get an insider’s view. Then we started the huge job of packing, and I am feeling pretty good. I will feel much better after I have worked through the loads of laundry I am doing, but still feel like we are pretty well set up. Then off to bed.

Woke up this morning and got the kids ready for school. I don’t know what was going on, but all of the kids were crazy today! I seriously was losing it, I hate disciplining other people’s kids, they sure don’t listen to me! It all makes me really happy that vacation is right around the corner.

Now we are home and I am blogging, catching up with emails and steaming an artichoke for lunch. Then I will be doing laundry and getting ready for the trip. I tried this new app called Virtuagym for workouts to do while I am in Ireland, and I tried it out today. It was the 20 minute circuit including squats and push-ups, they automatically make you wait 45 seconds between each workout, but I was anxious to do more work in less time and jogged in place during the pauses. Overall, my body feels good, and I hope to make time to do these a couple of times a week while we are gone. Hope this helps me continue my healthy lifestyle even when we are abroad! Wish me luck. Since I am cramming for Biggest Loser final weigh-in tomorrow, I am thinking of dancing later today. We'll see what kind of energy I have then.

I am going to try to get to Ross when "V" wakes up, just tried on some vacation clothes and decided I need a new dress for Easter. Everything I have fancy is short sleeves, maybe I could find a deal there. “J” took off part of the day for golfing, but when he gets home I am planning to do Tri-tip burritos with leftover rice. My mom makes them, they are super good. Just trying to keep up with healthy food for the final weigh-in for Biggest Loser tomorrow morning! Wish me luck; we are all doing so well!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday 4-3, Big breakfast on a busy day

Last night was nice. “J” worked hard until nightfall on the trellis, digging holes and setting posts and cementing them. At dinner time he BBQd some Omaha Steaks, and I made steamed rice and broccoli mixed with laughing cow cheese, yum! For dessert I had some Angel Food cake with banana slices and Foam.

Then once the kids were down, we watched some Rick Steeve’s Ireland which made me even more excited for our trip and then the final two episodes of The Tudors. It was kind of sad to be done with the series. Looking for another series to get caught up in! Preferably one that is streaming, I hate waiting for discs!

So today we slept in, and then got up at about 8:30 so I could shower and “J” could spray paint the trellis. Then we got the kids ready and headed to our favorite breakfast at Uncle Vinny’s. I had the vegetarian omelet and substituted the potatoes for fruit and asked that my wheat toast be unbuttered. It was so much food and so filling. I was not surprised that it was right around 600 calories. The kids split the special, a huge breakfast sandwich for only $2, what a deal! Then “J” had the chorizo plate, looked delicious, he loved it. So with full bellies we headed to Sparks to pick up our custom framed map of St. Lucia and do a little shopping. I casually mentioned we needed to look for a few things at Wal-Mart and $150 later, we left. In our defense, we bought a lot of things that we had been talking about for a while. Nonetheless, it was a little shocking! Then we headed home to finish the day.

Now “J” and “P” are outside working on the trellis and grapevines and “V” is watching TV. I am deciding whether to exercise or take a nap, I am tired! I am planning dinner to be pitas stuffed with Beef Ball Tip, spinach, cheese and avocados, sounds good! I usually don’t skip meals, but our breakfast was so big and late I think that in lieu of lunch I am going to snack on my homemade hummus and carrots. That should hold me over until dinner at 5. Then we are going to watch this kid’s movie about Ireland, Secret of Kells. After the kids are down we will watch Amazing Race and then off to bed! Hope your weekend was as productive as ours!